Her Heart's Desire 1.06 Audio Edition Launch Today!

Hey, guess what? 

The man in the gorilla suit is back with a brand new Her Heart's Desire update! 

Say what? Yep, there's a new update for the game, hot on the heels on the previous update here, and less than two months since the Bonus Edition first launched. While many of these changes were not planned back then, I've learned a lot from making my next title, Milfy Cases, and wanted to add in some of the awesomeness from that project to HHD. 

Get the full scoop in the game details here, but the most important changes are the audio, and image transitions. Bug fixes, sure, but the image transitions and more than 35 brand new audio effects should take the experience to the next level. I'm working diligently to update the remaining 2/3 of the game with similar image transitions & audio, and wanted to get this into player's hands quickly to get feedback, and of course, ensure that the known bugs were addressed.

Thanks for playing and stay thirsty friends;

Brosef Chungus 


Her Heart's Desire 1.06 PC / Linux
Feb 22, 2023
Her Heart's Desire 1.06 Mac
Feb 22, 2023

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